$8 Million initiative announced to boost northern Quebec’s agri-food sector
Tashi Farmilo
The Quebec government has committed $8 million to support the development of the agri-food sector in its vast northern territories. The funding, made possible through an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPAQ) and the Société du Plan Nord (SPN), will support the sustainable production, processing, and marketing of bio-food products in regions north of the 49th parallel and beyond the Saint Lawrence River and Gulf.
This initiative, which builds on a previous partnership that ran from 2020 to 2023, will extend until 2028. The funding is intended to stimulate innovation, diversify the local economy, and strengthen the region’s food autonomy. The program targets projects that align with government goals to address the unique challenges faced by northern communities, which are geographically isolated and subject to harsh environmental conditions.
The financial support is tailored to projects of varying scopes, with a minimum grant of $10,000. Larger funding amounts are available for initiatives demonstrating significant potential impact, though additional approvals are required for grants exceeding $300,000. All projects must be completed no later than March 2028, with applications accepted until October 2027. Eligible participants include Quebec residents or businesses operating in the province, provided their projects are in the designated northern territories.
André Lamontagne, Quebec’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, said the funding represents a critical investment in the province’s food security and economic resilience. Speaking at the announcement, he highlighted the potential for northern regions to contribute to the province’s culinary and agricultural identity while fostering sustainable practices.
Maïté Blanchette Vézina, Minister of Natural Resources and Forests and Minister responsible for the Société du Plan Nord, emphasized the need to adapt to the unique social and economic realities of the north. She noted that the program seeks not only to support local economies but also to enhance environmental stewardship and promote agri-tourism in these remote areas.
Applicants are encouraged to develop projects that align with the program’s objectives, which include advancing sustainable agri-food practices, reducing environmental impact, and fostering local and regional market opportunities.
For comprehensive details, consult the Northern Action Plan 2023–2028, (www.quebec.ca/gouvernement/politiques-orientations/plan-action-nordique) and the MAPAQ’s dedicated program page. For further questions or general information, applicants are encouraged to email entente.mapaq.spn@mapaq.gouv.qc.ca.